
What’s on

Overseas Joint Venture Businesses Approved to Export 22 types of value added products

The government has approved export for 22 types of value added products by foreign joint venture businesses, according to the notice by the Ministry of Commerce on 22 January. Foreign businesses in Myanmar can now form joint ventures with local companies for the purpose of exporting a range of products, including cosmetics, purified metals, wood-based furniture, and ceramic tableware and kitchenware.  The change is part of a government move to boost exports of value-added finished products in a bid to reduce the country’s reliance on raw material export. The allowed items are meat, crops, plastics and pulp, ceramic materials, ceramic…

Daily Minimum Wage Set to Increase to US$3.5

The daily minimum wage in Myanmar is set to increase from Kyat 3,600 (US$2.6) to Kyat 4,800 (US$3.5) following a formal endorsement by the union government.  The announcement was made after a recent meeting of the National Committee on Fixing the Minimum Wage.  The wage increase will apply to all businesses with 10 or more employees. Unless widely opposed, the wage increase will be confirmed within the next 60 days.  In accordance with the Minimum Wage Law, enacted in 2013, the national committee was formed to revise the minimum wage rate every two years. Source: Eleven Myanmar