New Chairman
New Team in New Year
New Team in New Year
Chairman of Hong Kong and Myanmar
Chamer of Commerce & Industry
Chamer of Commerce & Industry
Don't wait for opportunity
New Chairman Message
First of all may I express my heartfelt gratitude to our cofounders Mr. Richard Tao and Dr. Khin Wan Lin for laying such a solid foundation for the chamber. I am grateful that both of them will continue to contribute their talents and connections to the chamber with Richard as our new Honorary Chairman and Dr. Lin remain as our Vice Chairman and President.
We are a privileged generation to witness the miraculous development of China from a desperately poor nation to the second largest GDP powerhouse in the World. It will be my greatest honour to participate in the same transformation of Myanmar. Hong Kong has played a pivotal role in the development of China.
Vincent LamChairman,HKMMCCI

What's on in Myanmar